torsdag 19. april 2012

What is happening to the world? See for yourself.

Alright, today.. What should we talk about today? Hmm..

A lot of people think of terrorists as bad persons, which is mostly true. Why did I say mostly? Because not all of them are bad. Many of them are yet to become 20, and are forced to join the terrorist groups, and when that happens, the military force of the West slaughter innocent people. Some may try to defend this, that "But terrorists are targeting innocent people, taking them hostages" etc. etc. What the FREAKING DO I CARE??! The military force of the western countries got much more advanced gear and weapons, while the forces of these "terrorists" use cloth turbans and t-shirts. Is that fair, is that really fair? That one part of the world is the richest and most advanced tech wise, while the other part can just use weapons that are easy to produce and often got faults. Really, if you think this is fair, then you are either : 1. a patriot of your country, 2. You are a racist who thinks nothing about the poor and suffering parts of the world, or 3. You just don't give a flying fuck. Well, I think this is something that has to be stopped. Why should we care about what religious rites they got down in Afghanistan or Iraq? So what if they're muslims, that doesn't automatically mean they're terrorists. We have this huge thing going on in Norway now, you should have heard about it, the 22. July incident. They got the guy, Anders Behring Breivik, in custody, and are currently having this huge court thing. I personally think this is maybe going a bit far. This happened a long time ago, almost a year, and they didn't do SHIT about it until like December last year, or so it feels like for me. Of course, a lot of young people died at the hands of a murderer, but really, building a new court house just for that, is that really necessary?

Some people like me, live normal lives, go to a normal school and stuff like that. I and all those other persons are lucky. If this is lucky, then what are people who live as spoiled brats their whole life, and what are people who live in poverty and owes someone a lot of things? They're all unlucky. I think we are all kind of unlucky in some way or another. Some may say I'm spoiled because I may be a little heavier that other people around my age, well FUCK YOU! I don't really care what other people think about me, Love me or hate me, your choice. If I lose all my friends because of this, well, look at me, I can actually be an independent character. I don't have to rely on other people, though they help me a LOT getting through my daily life. I am not trying to make like any movement out of this, trying to close down the military or anything, no! By all means, don't go do that!

Also, racism is bad. Why should people with other skin color than you be less worth? What is the thought behind that, could someone tell me that, please? I don't get the meaning of anything like that. What if the native Americans managed to force out the European settlers? What would happen here then? This world would be completely different from what it is right now. What if African people who were brought here as slaves, weren't slaves, or committed mutiny? Would they be the super power of humanity? Think about this post for a sec and tell me what you think..

tirsdag 10. april 2012

Another sore theme with probably many of you out there..

I'm really sorry if I make you sad, like really sad, and stuff, but it's just how I pick things up in my thoughts..

Love is a very, VERY sore theme with most of you, I'm sure. I've had my heart broken maybe once or twice, nothing major. Just a turn down from the girl I loved with all of my heart, which I still actually love.. Some of you may be like "You should just forget about her, move on!" This is what I say to that, Shut up! It's clear some of you who would say that never had this kind of experience, therefore acting all high and mighty, without really knowing how that is. I can give you this much information, she's in my class. That's all I will say about that.

But still, the probability that you have yet to be in love, is very slim.. There must've been at least one person you've had a crush on. I remember my very first crush was in kindergarten.. It may not sound like anything, but it was for real. I never knew her name, so that was a kind of turn down, but oh well, that is something to move on for. Some people also say "You can't dwell in the past, move on." That is pretty much the same as the previous example, just that they might, might have experienced it. I really don't know, more like I can't see into peoples hearts, so I can't tell how or what you guys are feeling, but if you have been through this before, please don't take this as a reminder of what happened between you.

What happened between me and her, it wasn't anything really, I just wanted to tell her that I loved her, but ended up nowhere, because she had feelings for someone else. I know that guy, he is actually one of my "goodest" friends, so I'm kinda envying him, but still wishing him good luck between them, that nothing bad will happen to any of them. There is still plenty of fish, and I haven't lived a quarter of my life yet, so where could I end up being in the world in maybe 20 years? I could still be here, in Norway, I could be in the US or maybe even Japan! I am totally sure that I will find someone who is the correct one for me, and I'm sure you will find that one person too. I wish you a happy life, "And may the luck Always be in your favor."


lørdag 7. april 2012

Suicide/not suicide?

Alright, another serious theme today. Suicide or suicidal people.. If you're reading this (the one I'm talking about, please don't take this out any further than you've already done, I really can't take a dear friend dying at this age..)

I'm not sure if you have been a victim to a friend or someone you know, even if it's just a vague relationship, or someone close to you, but maybe you know the feeling when a friend tells you that they're going to commit suicide. I had a friend, not so different from me actually, who I and some friends talked via skype (online chat program if you don't know) with. I, a friend of both of us and his girlfriend were talking about some things that we really wouldn't talk about on school (probably cause he doesn't go to our school and it was weekend so..) Of course, I was myself as usual, just thinking that he was annoying, but he suddenly flew into a rage, after he exited the conversation. He said "You don't know how pissed I am on you now!!" I really didn't know what he was talking about, but I guess I said some pretty harsh stuff.. But this time was different. After some time I thought I should talk with him, but I didn't. He wrote something to me, about how he couldn't hold on to life anymore. I was genuinely scared that he was really going to take his own life, but luckily I got him back to reasoning again. I remember he said that he had a knife with him, just to find the right spot. He didn't say he was going to stab himself, but it was obvious that he was going to do that, what would you do with a knife that didn't have anything to do with food or something? He was sitting on his computer, when this happened (obviously, since we were talking via skype). I couldn't hear him, but this behavior, and the way he was writing it, really pointed to the fact that he really WAS going to commit suicide. If you've had a friend on the verge of killing him/herself, you know the genuine meaning of worrying about that specific person. When I couldn't take the pressure anymore, I had ripped clothes, since it was this school arrangement, Grand Prix where we sing and dance and stuff, this was my costume, really easy to just slip into. I literally ran over to his house, knocked on the door where he always sit when he's on the computer. I really can't say anything else than that I praised God of my whole heart, you wouldn't believe the amount of happiness flowing through me, when I saw him sit there, all in one piece, not a knife or a pill in a mile radius (metaphorically speaking ofc)! I told him that just taking your own life is way to easy, and that there was nothing to explore after death (we are both christians, I'm not really sure if he's as religious as me, but I think he believes in life after death) and that living life is a challenge, but you can't just stop making a circle once you have started. It's just like life, you can't just cut it out when you want to, just pulling the pen away from the paper is just way to easy! We can't just cut out living when you haven't lived a quarter of your life yet..

This was a story, which really happened with me and a friend for like a couple of weeks ago, so this wasn't a really long time ago so.. A really sore theme, but please, think before you act!!